The Future of Work/Promoting Health and Creativity Hybrid work presents employers with special challenges. How can occupational safety and health be ensured with staff working at multiple locations? How do you nudge staff to also enjoy being in the office?03/05/2023
After the job is before the job The proper handling of contaminated PPE not only starts at the laundry or respiratory protection workshop. After each assignment the equipment must be properly stored, packaged, transported and prepared. This is the only way to ensure the safety of service forces.03/05/2023
What are you doing to improve operational hygiene as a factory fire brigade? Annual training sessions are held as a matter of course at factory fire brigades. Service forces are very aware nowadays. Contaminated protective wear is no longer taken back to the fire station “unpacked”, and special packaging materials (such as Dräger’s Safety Bag) have proved their worth.23/02/2023
The market for exoskeletons is growing. According to estimates published by market research institute Frost & Sullivan in 2021, the market for industrial exoskeletons will reach an average annual growth rate in excess of 40% over the coming years and reach a market volume of over $400m by 2025.13/10/2021
For fire brigades digitalisation is especially helpful for operational preparation and education. The COVID pandemic and floods in the most recent past have shown that disasters first have to be met with robust technology, experience and leadership personality. But even drones provide more and more helpful services.29/09/2021
Young technology: power packs for the back Exoskeletons are external support or assistance systems worn on the body. They are available as so-called active and passive models. Both are designed to relieve people in jobs with physically demanding movement sequences. Some companies such as VW or Ikea are already working with them, others are still in the test phase.16/08/2021
This autumn the EU Commission will table its strategy for a sustainable textile sector. After all, the textile industry is considered one of the most environmentally damaging ones of all. One aspect of the EU strategy deals with the circular economy. So it is high time to part with linear approaches and orient oneself towards a circular textile economy.14/07/2021
Since colleagues live in fear of infecting each other with a dangerous virus, the working world has changed for good. Due to the pandemic protection and hygiene at the workplace play a more important role than ever in companies.19/05/2021
There are many ways of improving processes by digitalisation. And the current situation shows how urgently needed a fundamental re-think is – ideally across the complete product lifecycle.22/04/2021
High-quality equipment is important for fire services because this provides the best possible protection when fighting a blaze. The A+A as the world’s leading trade fair with congress for safety, security and health at work presents everything revolving around modern protective clothing for firefighters in Düsseldorf from 17 to 20 October 2017.